So what am I going to do when I get back from Africa? That's the question everyone wants to know. Where am I gonna be...what am I gonna do? Well, I don't know :-)
It's tempting to get caught up in not knowing. To feel like I have to know. I kind of feel like I should have a job lined up when I get back, but that's only for two reasons. 1.) It looks bad if you just sit around and do nothing after graduation. 2.) I need some kind of medical insurance.
As I was taking a shower this morning, my Dad's words were echoing in my head "So what are you going to do when you get back from Africa? When are you going to start applying for jobs?" As I conversed with him in my head (don't act like you don't have conversations that don't really exist), Matthew 6:25 came to my head: ". . . do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on". I'm following Jesus as best as I know how, and I really just don't feel any push to be out applying for jobs. I did apply for one, but that's it so far. Lack of time has been a big reason I haven't applied for more, but mostly, I just don't feel like it's what I need to be doing right now.
Anyway, after I was thinking about these things, I went downstairs and checked Chamber's 'My Utmost For His Highest' and found that he was talking about Matthew 6:25. Is it by a lack of faith that I am worried about insurance or my resume being full? I fell pretty convinced God is telling me that He is gonna take care of me just fine as long as I am really seeking Him.
Changing the subject. The last few days have been pretty incredible. I've had so many significant and meaningful conversations with people. Every year in the spring, we (Navs) goes to the football stadium and we talk about how many people we have a vision to impact. Toward the end of the talk, we all split up and go pray somewhere in the stadium. I decided to go up to the very corner, at the very top, since this would be my last time. As I sat at the top, I wondered what kind of impact I've really had on this campus. What kind of impact have I really had in people's lives?
When we gathered back, one of my friends called me over to talk. I had made a simple phone call to this friend while she was on co-op, and it turned out to be at a pretty hard time for her. We talked for about 3o minutes...and God ended up doing some really cool "coincidental" stuff with exactly what we happened to talk about that night on the phone. She ended up telling me that phone call (and the sequence of events that followed) was the thing that got her back on track and wanting to do this whole giving-our-lives-away and impacting people thing.
When it comes down to it, hearing a story like that is the thing that keeps me going. Knowing that some of the small, everyday decisions we make to be good news to our friends and the people around us are having life-changing impacts by the grace of God.
Pretty sweet.
Steadfast Love
13 years ago